27 de agosto de 2013

Samuel, un ternero rescatado de la industria láctea

Samuel, 27 de agosto, 2013

Samuel, nació el 21 de agosto de 2013. A las pocas horas de nacer, a su hermano y a él les separaron de su madre. Les encerraron en unas jaulas, desde donde podían escuchar a su madre llamarles. A su alrededor había más bebés que también llamaban a sus madres.

Estaban muy asustados, con mucho miedo, sin saber lo que estaba pasando. Pero Santuario Gaia pudo salvar a uno de los hermanos de la muerte. Ambos nacieron muy pequeños y no era rentable criarlos hasta llevarnos al matadero. Esto suele ser habitual cuando nacen gemelos.

Aquí puedes ver un vídeo del día que Samuel fue rescatado => https://vimeo.com/73257396


Samuel, August 27, 2013

Samuel, was born six days ago (August 21, 2013). Within a few hours of birth, to his brother and he were separated from his mother. I locked in cages, where they could hear his mother call them. Around him were more babies who also called their mothers.

They were very scared, very scared, not knowing what was going on. But Gaia Sanctuary could save one of the brothers of death. Both were born very small that it wasn’t worthwhile rearing them until it was time to take them to the slaughterhouse This is common when there are twins.

Here, you can see a video of the day that Samuel was rescued:  https://vimeo.com/73257396

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