26 de octubre de 2017

Gaia Sanctuary celebrates its 5th anniversary – cast (sub)

This month has been fulfilled the fifth anniversary of the creation of the sanctuary, five years in which we have helped more than 750 animals whose lives were in grave danger.

Sanctuarys animals has come from Cadiz, Almería, Alicante, Valencia, Castellon, Caceres, Ciudad Real, Guadalajara, Madrid, Lugo, A Coruña, Cantabria, La Rioja, Zaragoza, Mallorca, Lleida, Tarragona, Barcelona and Girona. Because we care about animals, wherever they come.

With this video, we want to thank you for these five years and we invite you to continue doing it to save more lives, which it is the first mission we have in the sanctuary.“¿Nos ayudas a seguir salvando vidas?” color=”green”]• Por tan solo 1€ al mes puedes hacerte Teaming

• A partir de 6€ al mes puedes hacerte socio

• A partir de 10€ al mes puedes apadrinar a un habitante

• Puedes hacer un donativo

• Compra algún artículo en nuestra tienda solidaria

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